Monday, March 9, 2009


ok so every time i try to upload this pic the colours go all wack so i'm giving up!

bike i stole from nonno :D

Thursday, March 5, 2009

the famous leelous IMMACULATE conception...

ok so 8am this morning mum wakes me up...

my first thought was...HOW THE HELL did a boy rabbit get into the hutch...then my brain started to work...

now i have to cough up $120 bucks to get jupiter de-sexed! serves him right! horny little shit!

i totally thought this one was dead when i first saw it as it wasn't moving and was hanging out of the hutch. after looking at it trying to figure out a way of removing it i saw it breath! IT WAS A MIRACLE haha now leelou is sitting on it!
this on likes to wiggle a lot... its pretty cute in a gross sort of a way...