Tuesday, June 17, 2008

you help me now

My father wants me to name some of my more artfaggy photos. 
If it were up to me i'd call them untitled 1, untitled 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. He does not like this idea.
So if you have any suggestions let me know either by placing a comment on the blog or emailing me.
Many eskimo kisses to all 2 of you (haha, rob and erin, the only people i know with blogzzz haha)


the new old

this is a photo of kate - 2 diff versions i'm not sure which one i like more
oh and fyi shes not naked
"i am Pearl"

this is my  sarah  -  "perchance we shall meet again"

this is a photo of the evelyn on brunswick street. 
i have attempted to make it look like an old photograph using various photoshop tools... i think its worked ok